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12 ways to motivate yourself every morning


Oct 22, 2022

It’s quite amazing how motivation works. Some days you wake up with such energy and inspiration that it feels like you’re ready for the day ahead. Other days, you feel as if you’re barely able to get out of bed.

Motivation is not something that happens by chance. You have to work hard to feel motivated. Passionate about something makes you feel more motivated.

Don’t let it stop you from getting up every day and going to work. Gallup has found that 60% of respondents are emotionally disconnected from work while 19% are unhappy at their job. Only 33% were engaged.

Once again, motivation requires effort. Each day should be a reminder to yourself to get energized. These are 12 motivational tips to help you get the most out of every day.

1. Get plenty of sleep.

Are you struggling to get out of bed in morning? One reason could be that your sleep is not enough.

The National Sleep Foundation states that people need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. Adjusting your waking and sleeping time might help you catch up if you’re not getting enough sleep. The following methods can help you get more sleep.

It is important to keep a consistent circadian rhythm. You should rise at the same hour every day, even weekends.

To help your body produce the right hormonal levels for sleep and wakefulness, take advantage of the morning sun.

Don’t hurry through your evenings. Finish your evening meal at minimum four hours before you go bed.

Turn off all screens at least 30minutes before you go bed. Because blue light from your phones and TVs can interfere with your sleep,

If you have trouble falling to sleep, you can use sleep aids like melatonin.

To avoid disruptions to sleep hormone production, strenuous exercise should be avoided between 4 and 6 hours before bed.

Keep your room like a cave. This means that your bedroom should feel dark and cool.

2. Don’t hit snooze.

Avoid sleeping in. Not only is it harmful for your psyche, but it can also negatively impact your motivation.

Alan Henry from Lifehacker.com explained that your brain will start its sleep cycle again after you hit the snooze button and drift off. “If your alarm goes off two times, you will likely be at a deeper, earlier portion of your sleeping cycle, which makes you feel worse than you did the first.

Don’t wake up to the sound of blaring alarms and static on the radio, as this can cause you to become irritable. A soothing, upbeat alarm is a better choice. Your morning will be easier if your favorite song plays or you listen to a funny podcast.

3. Pose some positive questions for yourself.

Henrik Edberg at PositivityBlog.com advises that when you wake up ask yourself five three-part, empowering questions such as the ones below:

What do I ______ about in this moment of my life?

What do you think it does for me?

How does that make me feel?

He advises, “Put up your own value inside the blank space.” “For instance: A few of my questions were:

What am I most content with in my life now?

What am I most excited about?

Edberg notes that it is crucial to really feel what it makes one feel. “When you think about the last section about what makes you happy right now it is very real to me.”

Based on how they’re presented, morning questions can inspire positivity and appreciation.

4. Your greatest dreams should be obvious as soon as your wake up.

Our brains need constant reminders about what we desire to achieve in order for us to live a fulfilled and happy life. Write it down and you will be able to see the vision of what you once thought and dream.

You can now see it as more than just an imagination. It’s a vision that could come to pass.

5. Establish routines.

Your morning routine is not enough to get you out of bed in the morning. The evening before you go to bed, it is equally important.

If you take the time to clean up clutter around your house before bed, you can have a clean place to wake up. This can help you feel refreshed and energized in the morning.

Make sure to take some time before bed to read. The result is that your brain will stop absorbing the day’s activities.

Your morning routine may include making your beds, watching TED Talks, journaling, decluttering your workspace, and journaling. A good morning routine will improve your mental health, decrease stress levels and increase your energy levels.

No matter your morning routine, I suggest at least one thing to love.

Tony Robbins stated that there are two types motivation. Push takes willpower, and willpower is never enough. Pull is what will endure – having something exciting, attractive, or something you desire so strongly that you find it difficult to fall asleep at night. Then you get up every morning and go after it. That’s the goal.

You can pull motivation by incorporating one thing you like into your morning schedule. As I start my day, I listen and walk briskly to one of the podcasts I love. This might sound silly. It might sound corny. But I’m looking forward to starting my day listening to new episodes.

6. Map out your day.

Before you go to sleep, write down what your goals are for the next day. Additionally, prioritize your projects. Note any appointments you have on your calendar.

It may seem overwhelming. It will help you stay in control of the day. This will help you stay focused and on task, so that you don’t become distracted by other things. By knowing what needs to happen, you can reduce the number decisions you make. This reduces the amount of decisions you have to make and conserves your energy.

7. Wear something that makes you feel good.

Even if the outfit doesn’t make a difference, it can still make or break your day. This is because confidence comes from feeling confident. Most people find that this is a strong motivator.

It sounds simple. You can be motivated for your day by wearing clothes you love.

8. Move.

Regular exercise releases dopamine. It is the chemical responsible to making us feel happy. In other words, this is the body’s “feel good” pill, which boosts positivity.

Exercise will help you stay fit, healthy and in great shape. This is obvious. So why would we overlook this chance to improve our health and fitness? I’ll save this for another article.

9. Hold yourself responsible

It is more likely that your actions will be followed through if someone else is involved in your productivity. You may also find something to look ahead to.

Selena Snow a licensed psychologist states that “a friend who is motivated to get out of bed every morning can make it more motivating.”

It’s possible to make yourself responsible for helping someone else. It is possible to help someone else, such as a colleague who was ill.

10. Create a morning mantra.

Tiffany Napper is a holistic coach who believes words have a lot of power. She says, “Words can hold a lot and so imagine the power to say something motivating each day.” “A great mantra will incite a feeling in you – a sensation that you don’t quite feel in you soul yet but you want… a feel of empowerment.” After a week, you can evaluate how you feel about repeating the mantra 20 times every day with heart and soul for the next 7 consecutive days.

Tiffany suggests the following morning mantras:

I am worthy, just as I myself am.

I will accomplish great things with small steps.

Everything I need can be found within me.

I’m fulfilling my purpose in the world.

I am calm, at peace, and centered.

11. You can surround yourself with inspiration.

An inspirational piece of art or photo can give you inspiration. Another option is to create a motivation board. This will be a collage of quotes, pictures, and anything that makes you smile, and put it up in your home. You’ll see happy, positive thoughts both in the mornings and at night, inspiring motivation from the moment that you wake up.

12. Give it a shake.

Routines may serve a purpose but can quickly become monotonous. If you do the exact same thing every single day, your motivation could decrease.

Avoid getting stuck in a routine and try something new. It might be worth trying a different route, visiting a new café, or trying something new on the menu. Adding variety in your life will not only boost your energy but also motivate you.